Singer Banky W Confirms Inhuman Conditions Inside Arik Aircraft

Yesterday, April 7, a 10 minutes footage from a camera phone has surfaced online where singer Banky W and other passengers of Arik Air flight from Lagos to New York were captured inside a plane for hours. And today Banky W recounted what had happened during protest at Arik Air plane.
The flight was scheduled to take off at about 11:50pm on March 31, 2014. Boarding was completed on time, and all the passengers
settled in their seats and prepared for the flight to begin. However,
there seemed to be a delay in operations because although the ground crew
had exited the aircraft and the cabin doors were shut, we weren’t
moving. The pilot announced that there was a small delay in the ground
crew operations on the plane, and that we should be patient as the
flight would depart ‘in a few minutes’.
problem was, the air conditioning was not turned on. Midnight soon
passed, and there was still no A/C, neither did it feel like we were
going anywhere, anytime soon. Passengers were vigorously fanning
themselves, asking for water and ice from the crew, and doing whatever
they could to stay cool and hydrated. The reality was that the heat in
the plane was quite frankly unbearable.
Parents had begun taking the clothes off their children, children were crying, one lady looked like she would faint.
an hour into this debacle, many passengers became justifiably irate. We
were all drenched in sweat, burning hot, and it was hard to breathe
properly. Now, let me interject here to say this… I believe that up till
now, it was actually Arik’s policy to not turn on the A/C on their
Aircrafts until take-off.
Just before
the passengers surged into my section up front (I was in seat 1A), I
actually saw the pilots pull one foreign air hostess into the cockpit
and lock the door
behind them. I suspect that either the A/C may have been on in the
Cockpit, or that he was concerned for his and her safety because the
shouting from the back indicated that people were in a state of panic
and riot.
Either way, I thought his
actions came off as incredibly ignorant and prejudice against the
Nigerian staff (who were doing their absolute best to try and calm
people down), and against the very Nigerian passengers who he was
employed to take care of. As the people surged up front and started
banging on the cockpit door,
the Captain made yet another announcement that people should be patient
for a few more minutes, and of course it had been well over an hour so
none of the irate passengers were having it. He also said that if people
did not go back to their assigned seats, he would have to call the
police. Of course this did nothing but provide further incentive for
people to be angry, frustrated, irate… you name it.
this time, the entire section around my seat was filled with screaming
passengers, banging on the cockpit door and yelling at the Nigerian
Staff who were still pleading with us. I actually feared for the safety
of the Air Hostesses, and for the equipment on the plane; which is why I
stood up at that point to try and calm them down.

Banky W aboard an Arik Air flight bound for Lagos
reasoning was that I’d been on enough Arik flights to know that this
was their policy, so I didn’t feel like the plane was not fit to fly. I
suggested that seeing as we’d already waited that long, we give them
another 5-10 minutes, because if we disrupted the flight or caused
damage, they would have to kick us off and begin the entire process from
start. Some of the passengers calmed down after I spoke, while some
were just intent on fighting or doing something drastic to express their
displeasure… (one very short angry man actually tried to take out his
anger on me, but I felt bad for him so I didn’t let that escalate).
any case, soon after that, the Captain announced he was beginning
take-off procedures, and I felt the A/C come on. This further helped me
make my case to the passengers, and most of the people started going
back to their seats. What further shocked me at this point was that the
Captain actually started taxiing the plane on the runway, while people
were still making their way back to their seats. This seemed to be both
dangerous AND illegal, in my opinion.
news agencies, upon seeing me in the footage online, have contacted me
asking for details of what happened, and my opinion on the incident. My thoughts are as follows:
it was an avoidable disaster, and one that could have ended up much
worse for the staff and equipment of Arik Air. This policy of enclosing
passengers within a cabin with no A/C is senseless; I suspect that it
saves them some money because they don’t need to rent/buy ground power
units to power the planes while they finish their operations, but it is
unfair, cruel and inhumane to the clients of the airline to subject
their comfort and even health to such conditions, all in the name of
cutting costs.
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